Bandoneon & Tango Love ♥
Ideas and reflections on the myths and topics that cross the bandoneon.
What's the future of the bandoneon tradition?
In the bandoneon world, tradition and innovation often seem to be at odds. On the one hand, there are those who advocate the preservation of old voices and instruments, which is fine. But one must keep in mind that in the case of the voices (which create the sound), the material has an inescapable limit. While on the other hand, there are those who embrace new technologies and approaches in the making of these instruments. But, which path should we take as a community of bandoneonists and luthiers?
Bandoneon price?
The discussion could go on ad infinitum. It is a topic with many edges, since it is ultimately a matter of taste. And as my grandmother used to say, "there is nothing written about tastes".
Let's try to shed some historical notions on the subject to understand how the use of these materials came about.