Bandoneon & Tango Love ♥
Ideas and reflections on the myths and topics that cross the bandoneon.
Bandoneon Tuning: A Complete Guide for autonomous Bandoneon Players
Tuning a bandoneon is both an art and a technique that involves understanding the nuances of this unique instrument. Although tuning may sound like a complex task, with the right knowledge and a hands-on approach, any bandoneon player can learn to maintain and tune their own instrument, achieving an authentic, personalized sound. In this article, I will explore step-by-step how to tune a bandoneon, from the basics to advanced techniques, all backed by my years of personal experience in maintaining this instrument.
Afinación de bandoneón: Guía completa para bandoneonistas autónomos
Afinar un bandoneón es tanto un arte como una técnica que implica entender los matices de este instrumento único. Aunque la afinación puede sonar como una tarea compleja, con el conocimiento adecuado y un enfoque práctico, cualquier bandoneonista puede aprender a mantener y afinar su propio instrumento, logrando un sonido auténtico y personalizado. En este artículo, exploraré paso a paso cómo afinar un bandoneón, desde los conceptos básicos hasta las técnicas avanzadas, todo ello respaldado por mis años de experiencia personal en el mantenimiento de este instrumento.
Introduction to Astor Piazzolla and his Impact on Tango
Astor Piazzolla is, without a doubt, one of the most influential and controversial musicians of the 20th century. His contribution to tango, a genre deeply rooted in Argentine culture, has been revolutionary, marking a before and after in the history of this music. Through his innovative style, known as "tango nuevo", Piazzolla managed to fuse classical and modern elements, creating a work that transcends the boundaries of time and space.
What is a bandoneon?
The bandoneón is a fascinating and essential instrument in tango music, whose history and unique characteristics have made it a cultural symbol of Argentina. Although many consider it simply a variant of the accordion, the bandoneon has an identity of its own, with a complexity and charm that have captured the imagination of musicians and aficionados alike. This article explores the bandoneon in depth, from its origin and evolution to the challenges facing bandoneonists today, including the importance of maintenance and repair.
¿Cómo afinar un bandoneón?
El bandoneón, ese emblemático instrumento de la música del Río de la Plata, con su sonido inconfundible y su capacidad para transmitir emociones profundas, es también una pieza delicada que requiere cuidado y atención constantes. Uno de los aspectos más importantes a considerar en el mantenimiento de un bandoneón es su afinación, especialmente si se está pensando en cambiar la frecuencia.
What's the future of the bandoneon tradition?
In the bandoneon world, tradition and innovation often seem to be at odds. On the one hand, there are those who advocate the preservation of old voices and instruments, which is fine. But one must keep in mind that in the case of the voices (which create the sound), the material has an inescapable limit. While on the other hand, there are those who embrace new technologies and approaches in the making of these instruments. But, which path should we take as a community of bandoneonists and luthiers?
¿Qué tipo de instrumento es el bandoneón?
Los peines y sus voces son el lugar donde se origina el sonido: las lengüetas (o voces) se encuentran remachadas a un peine con ventanas por donde éstas vibran, permitiendo el paso de aire y la generación del sonido. Esta es la matriz, sin esto no hay nada, sin los peines con sus voces de acero no hay sonido de bandoneón posible.
Have an Alfred Arnold?
It is important to take into account that most bandoneons are around 100 years old, and although there are some that still resist in good condition, this has a logical effect on their components.
Bandoneon price?
The discussion could go on ad infinitum. It is a topic with many edges, since it is ultimately a matter of taste. And as my grandmother used to say, "there is nothing written about tastes".
Let's try to shed some historical notions on the subject to understand how the use of these materials came about.